Title: "Fugitive's Freedom"
luvvycat Characters: Elizabeth Swann
Rating: G
Prompt(s): Hammock, Antipathy and Insipid
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff*
Elizabeth lay in her hammock, picking dried shellac from boyishly-short fingernails, listening to the crew's snores and the Trader's boards creaking around her. Though concerned about her father and Will, and bone-weary from a day’s hard labour, her spirits were high.
She'd always dreamt of running away to sea… travelling the world… having adventures… meeting pirates. She'd not be one of those shallow, insipid young women typical of her class: empty-headed ninnies all, for whom she'd held naught but antipathy.
Despite her fugitive circumstances, she was, at present, free! And she planned to fully enjoy her freedom, while she could!