Title: "Reunion"
luvvycat Characters: Weatherby Swann
Rating: G
Prompt(s): Before, Hint, and Oblivion/Oblivious
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff*
Oblivion, it seemed, wasn't quite as all-encompassing as Weatherby'd anticipated.
He'd been aware of drifting across the water, heard Elizabeth's frantic cries as his boat slipped beyond the Black Pearl, felt his heart ache knowing he'd not see her again, in her lifetime.
As the mists receded, a pleasant breeze ruffled the curls of his wig, bringing with it the hint of a familiar perfume from years gone by. Stepping from the boat, he smiled.
"Weatherby…" a sweet voice greeted, just before welcoming arms embraced him.
"Darling!" He bent to kiss her, gathering her close. "Our daughter sends her love…"