So far I have done nothing like always except called a few people, Me and Kelli might hang later, around Alpine, you should join us if you want. If so call me up 722 6646. Later hombres
I am not thinking too well right now cause I just fell asleep and woke up so umm... I dont know what to do Haha I am drawing a blank and I feel like an Idiot. So tell me something that will make me think clearer on how I can say good by to you all in person maybe at a show or something.
My parents just keep deceiding to change their minds and I am not going to Steele at all and I am moving on the 20th of AUGUST. This sucks major nuts you dont even know I am not going to be abel to say goodbye to some peple from school now. Well I am not thinking clear
Everyone should go to the ThyneScabard show at city hall.... Tell me if you are going but I may not be able to see your comments cause I am grounded form the computer....
I swear it strikes in effing waves. If one persone have love trouble then another person that you know is bound to be having those same problems. Oh well I guess. I want to say that I could forget but I can't. And I know what you are going to say.
Oh well I am not going to ruin Parker's stay because of this. I am sorry that you felt this.
Hello everyone Today I am going off around Alpine with Akasha, Parker and Gilian and maybe Raychel and Chelsea. Well If you want to join us call Parker's cell or my home phone but that last 4 digits are wierd and ere changed to 1025 but they are going to change them back to the regular numbers today. Comment and gib me something to do.