Nov 08, 1998 18:32

When using HTML in entries, you need to make sure you are in the HTML entry mode.
The Rich Text mode method is different. For comments, it is automatically in HTML entry 'mode' so you don't need to worry.

If you're still not sure, here are is a printscreen:
Where to check you are in the correct mode to post.

1. LJ cuts

Step 1. Decide where you want to place the cut, and where you want the cut to stop hiding text (IE end the cut).
Step 2. Use the following HTML to start the cut:

For example: ( My Day Today )

  • If you don't wish to put any particular text in, you can use the version below and just have the 'standard' text in place.

    Which would look like this: ( Read more... )

    Step 3. Write what it is you wish to be placed under the cut.
    Step 4. Place the following HTML after the text you wish to hide:

    2. Links
  • a) Basic Links
    Step 1. Find the URL you wish to link to. (IE the web address)
    Step 2. Put it into the HTML:


    For example: the URL = would look like:

    My Livejournal

  • b) Fake-Cuts
    Step 1. Find the URL you wish to link to. (IE the web address)
    Step 2. Put it into the HTML:

    ( TEXT HERE )

    For example: the URL = would look like:

    ( My Livejournal )

  • publicpost, html

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