As you know, I've been shopping for used SUV's. I was a little bit wary about a Grand Cherokee that this one dealership had, but I knew they were going to make me a good deal on it. I spoke to the salesman today- let me know if this sounds familiar-
"Yeah, it kept cutting out, like DUH-DUH-DUH-DUH-CLUNK and then it would just die." " >.< Bad O2 sensor. It's a '97, right? Late '90's GC's had no shortage of problems like that. I'm willing to bet the cooling system bites it next. Yeah, no thanks, man- no longer interested in that one."
Comments 1
As you know, I've been shopping for used SUV's. I was a little bit wary about a Grand Cherokee that this one dealership had, but I knew they were going to make me a good deal on it. I spoke to the salesman today- let me know if this sounds familiar-
"Yeah, it kept cutting out, like DUH-DUH-DUH-DUH-CLUNK and then it would just die."
" >.< Bad O2 sensor. It's a '97, right? Late '90's GC's had no shortage of problems like that. I'm willing to bet the cooling system bites it next. Yeah, no thanks, man- no longer interested in that one."
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