Since we've started a new round, why not? =D
(also, 'cause I'm too lazy to look up the code for those box things, copy/paste the stuff below. Some of questions shamelessly stolen from the last Basestar meme)
Favorite Cylon:
Favorite Human:
Other Fandoms:
What your journal contains:
Other places to find you:
Other Land
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Comments 26
Favorite Cylon: the Tighs
Favorite Human: the CIC crew- Gaeta, Dee, Hoshi (by virtue of fic) and the knuckledraggers
Ship(s): Gaeta/Hoshi, Gaeta/Zarek (platonic usually, but sometimes romantic), I like most canon ships, but I do a lot of gen
Other Fandoms: Used to be into Harry Potter, backing out of Glee fandom, on the very edges of Avatar
What your journal contains: writing, stories, entries about what I'm writing, stuff about whatever I'm watching (currently Falling Skies, Political Animals, and bitching about The Newsroom), and a lot of stuff about my kids.
Other places to find you: I'm also llsmutant on Tumblr, and my fics are hosted at AO3. And I'm starting to put stuff on
Other Land communities you're a part of: none
Anything Else You Want To Add?: New friends are always great!
Favorite Cylon: Tigh
Favorite Human: Laura Roslin
Ship(s): Roslin - Adama
Other Fandoms: None
What your journal contains: Bits of my life
Other places to find you: Only home and work!
Other Land communities you're a part of: None
Anything Else You Want To Add?: I'm am a big Kingdom of Loathing player : )
Favorite Cylon: It always feels like cheating to say Sam and Tigh thanks to their special circumstances, but I've also got soft spots for Boomer and Caprica, my original favorites pre-Crossroads.
Favorite Human: Kara and Laura.
Ship(s): Turning into a broken record on these things, but it's true: canon ships are my armada and Kara/Sam is my treasure ship. Also a fan of Kara/Karl in their Academy days. (For pure noncanon I'm sort of in love with the idea of Natalie/Lee. I also go for Sonja/Lee, especially since it's technically possible. And thanks to thinking about Boomer recently at 13th_tribe I've kind of been craving some Boomer/Six.)
Other Fandoms: I'm not really active in any other fandoms, but other things I love include Cowboy Bebop, Dragon Age, and Game of Thrones. I have a love/hate relationship with Lost.
What your journal contains: Some of it's personal (venting, adventures in baking) and some of it's fannish (memes, fic, icons).
Other places to find you: I'm digscylons on twitter. I'm also knockharder on tumblr, ( ... )
Favorite Cylon: Boomer!
Favorite Human: Kara. I love Kendra too.
Ship(s): Kara/Kendra
Other Fandoms: Hmm. I'm not really involved in any other fandoms. I watch Breaking Bad religiously.
What your journal contains: Not much yet. I'm still pretty new.
Other places to find you: BSG Epics, BSG Slash, Twitter under baliao1
Other Land communities you're a part of: None.
Anything Else You Want To Add?: I like new friends! Oh, and go Team Basestar!
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