Congratulations to Esme and Michael!

Jun 20, 2009 14:52

My cousins getting married! ^o^

In a big break with tradition for our family she's getting married in a hotel D: I'm amazed! I guess every girls big day is a personal thing though right?

My parents have gone to the service and daytime reception but me and Drew are just turning up at the night time to get pissed. XD It's at the Radisson  which means the drinks are going to cost a fucking bomb, so I'm sneaking in four mini bottles of wine to tide me over ^-^

I'll have to post pictures of my outfit later. It's like a fuscia pink and it's absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait to start getting ready!

As for last night... Well!

We started off in the Casa where some knobhead tried to start a fight with one of the chinese lads who go around selling DVD's for no reason other then he just approached him. Katie, knowing what I'm like, took me to the bar for a drink in the hopes that I wouldn't get involved. The plan was working until the lad tried to manhandle the poor guy, who didn't speak a word of english god help him, out of the bar. I immediately jumped in by yelling at the dickhead, calling him a thug and other such choice insults but unfortunately his family broke it up before anything could properly kick off.

That sort of ignorance just does my head in. I mean I know the knob was drunk but does he honestly think that the poor guy selling knock off DVD's actually enjoys going around pubs and getting hassled by wankers like him? That isn't how he envisaged spending his life, that's for sure!

On the plus side though we met Robyns mates Good James and Emily, I think her name was. She was a bit stand-offish but James was as fun as a box of frogs!

Anyway, drama over and no fight. We move onto the Jac which is still as much as a dive as it always was. Simon and Ham were upstairs so we joined them for a few drinks and a good bit of cheesy dancing. We were joined by RPG Dave (as he has come to be known) so the eight of us (Robyn, Katie, Sam, Ham, Simon, Dave, James and myself) were upstairs giving it loads. I even ran into Elenor who I used to go to school with working behind the bar.  It was fast turning into an epic night!

Until... disaster struck!

Poor Katie had slid up the wooden bench to let someone on, only to impale herself with the worlds biggest splinter ever. It was HUGE! We got most of it out in the toilets but it broke off and she had to go to A&E where even the surgeon was having trouble getting it out! Still, we made the most of it.

I know, right? XD

Happy ending though, the splinter was removed and everything was returned to normal. I fancied going back out but everyone had left town so me and Katie shared a taxi home.

I wore the sexy leopard print dress that I found in Madchester for a tenner. I was rushing around putting my make up on when the Taxi driver turned up and due to our early departure we didn't take many pictures. The only one I have of myself is this:

And it ain't great XD

I've got to start sorting my stuff out for later and cook me and Drew some scran. He came straight here after work today so he must be starving ;-;

Love! xxx

a&e, wedding, night out

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