I have been busy.
I can genuinely blame a fair amount of it on work, but I think a lot of it is enjoying not having to do stuff after needing to for the last 17 years or whatever. Still, being lazy caused me to miss the orchestra season which is sad. I applied late to the
PSSO (assuming I might get in to the winter/spring concerts) but haven't heard anything.
But anyway, work....yes, it has been busy. On the list of 'things I didn't know before accepting my job' is that I participate in an oncall rotation, the duties of which involve answering a page at any time during the oncall period. This has made me sad in principle but not actually been too bad. I've also switched what I'm specializing in twice (and then somewhat gone back to the first thing through a different window) and have both wound up doing very different things than I thought and have found myself using a lot more breadth of my (CS) knowledge than I thought I would. I do think that I ended up working with some great people (and perhaps even above-average ones...but I'm lacking experience to claim statistical significance here) and even having some fun.
On the downside, the whole 'not at mudd' thing does in fact suck. Not for the work, of course, but for the lack of people and stuff. There's a lot less random stuff going on, which means I spend less time doing random stuff and more time trying to do stuff like build linux servers (again....and failing....again). The lack of a good (non-commercial) bar has also made me sad. I suppose I could work on combining random stuff with the lack of a bar by providing my own and then having random things, but my apartment is perhaps uniquely suited to be annoying to have casual parties in due to the three (well, two plus my apartment door) locked doors between the apartment and the outside. Most unfortunate.
Clearly, the solution is to do something involving a more fixed time so it's less of a problem. Things like watching tv (I've gotten slightly addicted to Lost), going
bowling, or even just playing poker could give rise to that. Of course, I'd also have to do a better job cleaning ('what, I can't leave my clothes on the floor next to the laundry thing?'), but it seems worth doing.
So I guess the question is....anyone in seattle interested in bowling?
Also, it was 30 degrees outside when I woke up (5:45 and so very dark....well, not unexpectedly so). I find this somewhere between amusing and disturbing.