Title: Babylon Fading Author: theladyfeylene Pairing: Naomi/L Rating: Hard R Word Count: 2,609 Warnings: Some talk of murder and violent crimes. Author's Note: Written for 30_lemons challenge #5 'The Harem, or When in Rome
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I noticed that this community is slowly dieing. So, I decided to post a few Icons I made. They're not much, and kind of plain. So if you want to use them as a base, and add stuff to them, you're free to!
Title: We Are The Normal Author: theladyfeylene Pairing: Naomi/L Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 2,718 Author's Note: Written for 30_lemons, challenge #4 'The Thrill of the Forbidden' Summary: Naomi can't separate the legend from the man it surrounds - even in bed.