1-tom introduced us 2-your good looks 3-your personality 4-i think so....idt you really care about me 5-still hoping wink wink 6-nope 7-no 8-hope not 9-hot,nice,funny, and did i say hot? 10-a night at the movies i guess or your brothers concerts 11-no 12-a cd i guess idk 13-yea but you wouldnt hug me back 14-still waiting 15-yea 16-no... 17-your perfect....just wish you liked takling to me more 18-telling you i liked you but you know that already 19-everything 20-i guess how you ignore me in the halls sometimes
01-- When and how did we meet?: at broken heros first show through your brother 02-- What did you first notice about me?: ur hottness 03-- What do you like most about me?: everything 04-- Are we friends?: the bestest! 05-- Have you ever seen me with my shirt off?: i wish 06-- Have you ever seen me in one of your dreams? Explain the dream. only that one dream where we run off together, get married and make lots of kids. 07-- Have you ever seen me cry?: nope 08-- Have you ever made me cry?: i hope not 09-- Describe me in four words: hot, sexy, attractive, super 10-- If we could spend a day together what would we do?: anything you want dear. 11-- Have we ever gotten in a fight?: no 12-- If you could give me a present what would it be?: something fun. 13-- Would you hug me? Do you hug me?: id love to hug u and yes i do hug u 14-- Have you kissed me? on the cheek if that counts. 15-- Have you ever wanted to kiss me? ooo yea! 16-- Wanna make out? YES!! 17-- What do you really think of me?: i like you lots <3
( ... )
Comments 9
2-your good looks
3-your personality
4-i think so....idt you really care about me
5-still hoping wink wink
8-hope not
9-hot,nice,funny, and did i say hot?
10-a night at the movies i guess or your brothers concerts
12-a cd i guess idk
13-yea but you wouldnt hug me back
14-still waiting
17-your perfect....just wish you liked takling to me more
18-telling you i liked you but you know that already
20-i guess how you ignore me in the halls sometimes
02-- What did you first notice about me?: ur hottness
03-- What do you like most about me?: everything
04-- Are we friends?: the bestest!
05-- Have you ever seen me with my shirt off?: i wish
06-- Have you ever seen me in one of your dreams? Explain the dream. only that one dream where we run off together, get married and make lots of kids.
07-- Have you ever seen me cry?: nope
08-- Have you ever made me cry?: i hope not
09-- Describe me in four words: hot, sexy, attractive, super
10-- If we could spend a day together what would we do?: anything you want dear.
11-- Have we ever gotten in a fight?: no
12-- If you could give me a present what would it be?: something fun.
13-- Would you hug me? Do you hug me?: id love to hug u and yes i do hug u
14-- Have you kissed me? on the cheek if that counts.
15-- Have you ever wanted to kiss me? ooo yea!
16-- Wanna make out? YES!!
17-- What do you really think of me?: i like you lots <3 ( ... )
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