Holding on to feel the same..

Apr 10, 2004 22:21

Tomorrow used to be a day away
Now love is gone and youre into someone far away.
I never thought the day would come
When I would see her hand, not mine,
holding onto yours because I could not find the time.

Now I cant deny
nothing lasts forever
I dont want to leave
and I see the tear drops in your eyes ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

anonymous April 10 2004, 19:46:42 UTC
What, are you too lazy to write your own story about the night and just simply provide a link to my journal...actually I shouldn't be talking, considering that you wrote that for me. Heh.

I <3 you Deni!

-Krysten (The Loser)


lxst_sunshine April 11 2004, 11:18:30 UTC
i ♥ you too krysten!


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