Title: Imminente Luna
Pairing: Stabler/Elliot
Rating: R-ish
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: Story I started to write and I hope I can finish.
Elliot was breathing hard as he slowed and pulled out his gun. He looked around the corner of the alley. He walked slowly with his gun at his side, ready if he needed it.
“Come on out! There’s no where else to go!”
The alley was still dark even with the full moon out. Elliot felt uneasy about being there. He moved slowly as he checked any place someone could hide. “We know you did it! You’re not going to get away!”
Elliot was almost finished checking the alley when he heard a noise. He turned around with his gun raised. His heart was racing. He wished Olivia and the back up would be there soon.
He heard a growl and his heart nearly stopped. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The last thing he remembers was excruciating pain before he lost consciousness.