Title: The Sweet Breakdown
Author: lycan_cub
Pairing: Hawkeye/BJ
Rating: R
Summary: BJ is broken and Hawkeye has to pick up the pieces.
BJ watched Hawkeye leave the Swamp. He wondered what had happened between the Mess Tent and coming back to the Swamp. BJ looked down at his letter not sure if he wanted to open it. He had a really weird feeling but he shrugged it off.
He opened the envelope and took the letter out. He looked around the Swamp. He wished Hawkeye was there to comfort his anxiety. He unfolded the letter and started to read. It was shorter than normal and he read it two more times to be sure he read it correctly.
Tears of anger welled up in his eyes. He crumpled the letter and threw on the floor. He stood up and pushed his cot over. He then grabbed some of his things and started to destroy them or throw them all over the tent.
After BJ’s fit of anger he sank to the floor and started to cry. He heard the door open and he looked up to see a blurry Hawkeye.
It surprised him to feel an arm circle around him. “Beej, what happened?” He heard Hawkeye ask.
“She’s … she’s been cheating on me and … and she wants a divorce.” BJ answered crying even harder.
Hawkeye pulled BJ closer to him. He was pissed off. This was the last thing he ever wanted to happen to anyone especially BJ. BJ doesn’t deserve this, Hawkeye thought as he hugged BJ closer.
Hawkeye heard the Swamp door open and he looked back to see Charles staring at them.
“What happened and what’s wrong with Hunnicut?”
“Now’s not the time Charles.” Nobody could have worst timing right now, Hawkeye thought.
“Well nobody really wants to hear about your trivial matters so forget I asked.”
“Your arrogance is not wanted here Charles.” But Charles kept pushing.
“So what is wrong? Bad news from home,” Charles said mockingly.
Hawkeye felt BJ stiffen and then he was pushed to the floor. Hawkeye quickly darted up and grabbed BJ by the waist, pulling him back. “Charles leave!”
Hawkeye tired to keep his hold on BJ, but he got loose and grabbed Charles. Charles was scared to death. Hawkeye grabbed BJ again and pried his hands off of Charles shirt and pulled him back to the other side of the tent. Charles was out of the Swamp once he was free.
Hawkeye fell back on the floor with BJ between his legs. Hawkeye had a tight hold on his waist. BJ started to relax in his hold but Hawkeye didn’t let go. They sat there for what seemed like hours. “Pierce! Hunnicut!” Hawkeye sighed.
Colonel Potter walked into the Swamp. He saw Hawkeye holding onto BJ while they sat on the floor.
“Why did Winchester run into my office saying that BJ was insane and he tried to kill him?”
“Charles provoked BJ,” Hawkeye said. Potter looked at BJ who looked back. His eyes were red and puffy.
“What happened son?” BJ looked away.
“Beej,” Hawkeye said softly.
“He got a letter from home. Peg has cheated on him and she wants a divorce.” Potter’s face grew solemn and he looked older.
“I’m sorry BJ.” BJ just sat there not moving or speaking.
Hawkeye let BJ go and stood up. He walked over to Potter. “Make sure he gets some rest. Help him Hawkeye.”
Hawkeye looked him in the eyes. “That’s what I plan on doing.”
When the Colonel left, Hawkeye helped BJ off the floor and onto his cot. BJ feel onto Hawkeye’s cot exhausted. Hawkeye pulled the covers over him. BJ fell asleep almost instantly. Hawkeye looked at him for awhile before cleaning up BJ’s side of the tent.