I'm actually quite proud of myself for keeping up with classes and making sure I don't fuck up like last semester. I'm kind of glad I lost that scholarship early on in my freshman year, I mean...I could have used that $600 =x for all my spending fun, but it made me realize how easy it is to fuck up in college. I swear, last semester was the first time I have ever received a D in my life, mind you it was actually a D-, so I can't really say if that's any better than an F+. Hehe.
So I'm sitting here losing money over a 2.982. So close to a 3.0 its not even funny. Doesn't help the fact they have already labeled me a sophomore because of those PCC/AP classes so things are moving fast.
To make up for the lost amount of money, I've strangely found myself odd commission work as a free lance artist. I'm not sure about what I'm getting into either. It's small time change that's obviously not steady work but it's better than nothing. I have work to design a CD cover for a band? I haven't met them yet, but I said I'd take their offer--I just hope this doesn't end badly.
It's really kind of scary thinking about how to support yourself when all your lifestyle depends solely upon your grades. No, don't even suggest it. I refuse to take out a loan, I've seen what my brother has done. When I graduate, I doubt I'll start off with a six figure salary.
So what can you do but keep trying harder? I'm still slowly building my portfolio, and I've got a long way to go.