Hi! I stumbled across your lj doing an interests search. I think I might like to add you / be added back since we have some stuff in common - biology, being a college student, HP, ST: TNG, and having a pet bird (or are you just randomly interested in cockatiels?).
Anyway, feel free of course check out my lj to see if you might be bored or offended, cos that won't work out too well :-P If you do want to add me and later defriend, no hard feelings of course.
In the mean time-- yes I have a pet cockatiel named Tweetie (full name: Tobias, Tweetie-bird ;P).
And it's a False Anenome, I think. It's an anenome of some type (I'm not too keen on the differences between the False and True). They're native to Indiana. I took the photo in April 2005.
Sure. Unfortunately, I won't be much of an addition to your friends page though, because I'm more interested in reading and commenting (lots) than posting stuff myself.
Ah, that's perfectly fine. The only people who don't feel like substantial parts of my friends page are people who have literally never posted anything (journal entries or comments), so I strongly doubt I'll get bored or impatient or anything with your posting habits. :)
Comments 17
Anyway, feel free of course check out my lj to see if you might be bored or offended, cos that won't work out too well :-P If you do want to add me and later defriend, no hard feelings of course.
In the mean time-- yes I have a pet cockatiel named Tweetie (full name: Tobias, Tweetie-bird ;P).
And it's a False Anenome, I think. It's an anenome of some type (I'm not too keen on the differences between the False and True). They're native to Indiana.
I took the photo in April 2005.
Unfortunately I don't post much, so there's not much to read. Mostly these days I use LJ to participate in communities.
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