(no subject)

Aug 28, 2005 02:22

well it's 2:19 ante-meridean, and i cant sleep


so i cant remember what my last post was about, but this summer has been truely uneventful...IF BY UNEVENTFUL I MEAN JAM PACKED WITH FUN!

friday was victorias 80's party:

^^ s prince, doing vogue

bahahaha, victoria trying to sneakily take pictures of her fingers pointing, while using the flash in a dark room

i'm not quite sure..photocredit s prince '05

laura's face bwahaha, and 6% of victoria!

megans outfit

laura esmond MAKES A PHONECALL

crazy kids


victorias mom ordered child labor, so laura came running


sarah and i were taking the pictures, so we let ice t and snoop have our spots on the couch

maybe ill update this again sometime?

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