Well, it certainly seems that this has caused a little tiff now hasn't it? Guilt trips, emotional breakdowns, tears, anger, pain, wrath... Oh this sounds like Junior year all over again! Yay! I remember how fun that was! -dripping sarcasm
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Comments 21
but you know, you immature high school fags NEVER talk about me, yeah.
Grow the fuck up, and stop blaming everyone for your goddamn problems.
The only person I blame for anything anymore is my dad for being an abusive asshole.
Grow up, get a fucking life, and if you wanna start shit, go ahead.
Get a fucking life.
And if all you can do is bitch how, oh boo hoo kate and reg broke up, get a life, get a girl or guy, and get laid.
Cuz of you fags, you all forced me to come out publically, something I wasnt ready for.
Grow the fuck up
You = backround information for my life. Period. When shit went down, I was the one who had to deal with it. I was the fucking mediator, no one else. And shit didn't work.
And, you know what? Calling people fags is hardly an insult. Half of us are bi anyway, jackass, just like you. So don't even go there, dickhead.
And I have had a girlfriend for a good 3 years now, and chances are I get more fun-time in a week then you have had in the past two years, so STFU and STOP CHECKING MY LJ YOU FREAK!
And I dont need sex. Hence why I havent dated anyone since august. I dont need to know about anyone else getting it on, and Im sure its REAL mature to brag about your sex life. If you havent notice, I make fun of the fact I never do it. And Im sure your gf is thrilled that you brag about that to people.
Uh oh, maturity's kicking in.
And yeah, I dont insult people with fags smart one, I use that as a general term.
And a lot of mediating you did. haahahaha
Btw, Kitty's right about otaku.
And yeah, you have blamed me for shit. Hence why I hear from friends of mine that you and your good ol' pals never shut up about bringing shit up thats so old and useless now.
And I dont care if half of you are bi or you go around messing with people on your bus, or whatever, I dont brag about my sex life. Oh wait, I dont have one. hahahaha
I dont date people for sex. Hence why Ive only done it once.
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