[ONESHOT] Path of a Soul

Jul 31, 2011 11:34

Title: Path of a Soul
Word Count: 1901
Rating: PG
Pairing: Junhyung/Hyunseung
Summary: His days pass as usual, clients to meet, life to be risked with getting trapped in unknown realms. Just, the usual.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.

A/N: Just something that came to my mind some days ago in early morning hours. It was a one-time thing so...I can't really correct it much but anyway, something to pass time with, riight? ^^ (TLB tomorrow) And yay, LJ is working!

Hyunseung just finished with a customer and he was feeling dead tired. It happened sometimes, when he had failed to notice the seriousness of the case which usually was left for Fridays, leaving a nice relaxing weekend before another hectic week. His mind was exhausted, his hands were shaking while collecting the cards, his eyelids were heavy but he had to make it. He still had another customer left.

Usually his work day was officially over and he could get off. When the clock hit 5 he would allow his mind to let go and with experience he had found out that was his limit. He would cut all the strings that had attached to him throughout the day, it was time for himself from then onwards. It was difficult to manage but he got used to it.

That morning someone had called him, and that someone sounded desperate and kept going on about his only chance before he would change his mind. He kept going on about how he needed it, he really needed it to be on that specific day and Hyunseung understood, could feel the importance, so with a sigh he made an exception, only hoping it wouldn’t backfire.

Hyunseung was just finishing one of his herbal mixtures when he felt a presence behind the door and a quiet knock was heard second after. It opened with a squeak and a young man stepped in. He looked elegant and walked with class, his eyes looking around with a gaze typical to rich people which Hyunseung despised. He had met many of such kind.

But he couldn’t explain why he froze up for a couple of good seconds until the man sat down across him. Hyunseung couldn’t pinpoint it.

“I hope I’m not doing a mistake...“ He muttered more to himself as he took a deep breath before looking up, meeting with dark orbs which widened instantly. And he understood, he understood what caused it because he felt it too. It washed over him, a strange feeling of déjà vu considering he remembered every detail of his life.

It couldn’t be a forgotten memory.

Hyunseung knew he hadn’t been fast enough to block it, the weird feeling was taking over him, filling up his mind, pushing everything second-rate to the background. And he didn’t even try to stop it anymore, it was already too far. He was sure he could manage it.

There was something about the man across him. He couldn’t exactly express what but knew he wasn’t usual considering society’s standards, he carried too many emotions hidden under a surface but Hyunseung could feel it, could taste just a slight bit of it.

He hadn’t met anyone like that.

The man felt like a soul in many aspects but trapped in a human body. He looked young but seemed to carry knowledge dating back to hundreds of years, his mind was deeply shut and he was an expert in showing what needed to be shown, what feelings he willingly let the other to see. Not even Hyunseung could match up to him.

His body looked too young, it was about his own age and if in usual cases he would’ve thought on an ancient soul taking over a human then this certainly was far away from that.

The body was his. It belonged to him.

Hyunseung pulled back, came back into the surface leaving in the other’s eyes and keeping his concentration in check not to fall into the depths again. All kinds of information he needed he had already acquired - the memories, the explanations which the other gave directly through the connection, everything he was shown he accepted but with wary.

“So tell me, what brought you here.” Hyunseung kept the eye-contact as he started to shuffle the cards slowly, feeling each one, letting them show him where they belonged. He let his hands free one step at a time, secluded them from his mind and kept his concentration on the words that formed in his mind. The blur was fading.

“He died 26 years ago. I just…want to know what has happened to him, has he finally moved on.” His voice was now calm and composure collected, it felt like another person from when he had called. There was nothing that would refer to falling apart, he didn’t sound desperate at all. But it was clear. He had put on a façade to hide his aura - the best and easiest source for information. He hid it and Hyunseung didn’t try to break through, there was always a meaning for everything.

Hyunseung’s hands were still working on the cards as now he could tell what he knew by now: “He wandered around for a long time, about four years but…” He paused trying to compose a better sentence, “For reasons not clear he found his path again and- Oh.” His hands had stopped, cards fixed in front of him and he gave a quick glance at the other. His expression was as dead as before.

Having picked up the cards, now Hyunseung fully control of his hands, he used a routine he thought he’d never had to use but seemed necessary. It always was when ancient souls were involved.

A routine that just 2 years ago was forbidden for him.

But his state was bad, he was too exhausted and he knew well he would collapse. He always did and it was a dreadful experience which took him through realms involving risks and possibilities to stray from his path but he thought it was worth a shot. Something forced him to continue, something about the other man was which raised curiosity that had died long ago. A curiosity that wasn’t all his but felt like a part of his soul.

“Your eyes seem familiar.” Words haunted in his ears but he paid no attention, he was already on the verge of his own world. Cards were laid out while he secured his place between dimensions. He had to do it fast but precise. But there was something pulling him, an odd feeling which made his mind fill up with confusion and he heard something in the darkness. The whispered words were too quiet, too far away.

And there was a barrier stopping him from getting closer. A line he never dared to cross even with his peaked curiosity. He always felt it without needing to touch, he knew it was there and knew what whispers were about but only his mind wasn’t able to register it. He should be able to but he couldn’t and even though he understood every syllable, his mind wouldn’t decipher it.

But it’s so important.

The stranger’s expression was as nonchalant as before, he knew well enough not to disturb. He also knew his gaze shouldn’t linger on the other much longer, that he should glance away to ease the pressure. But he didn’t.

He couldn’t.

He needed answers and by stepping into this room the questions had doubled and he was afraid each minute would bring even more until he wouldn’t be able to take it anymore. And something in the other’s eyes were eating away at his heart, taking tiny bites which hurt like hell, claiming he was a fool for not understanding.

And he agreed. He should have never tried to search for explanations; he deserved to suffer after all he had done and caused. His existence only brought despair, causing so much misery for a person he cared about the most, a person who was no longer with him.

Hyunseung’s eyes opened and found other’s immediately. Eyes where confusion was clearly written. The stranger saw him scared, anxious and very much hurt like having seen so many times before. He knew this hadn’t been a good idea.

Hyunseung didn’t know what he was doing. His hands moved themselves apart from the orders given, fingertips slowly slid across the cards and his mouth opened to say everything his unconscious mind told him. It’s considered a big mistake letting to be taken over, in the danger his own soul may get trapped but he couldn’t help but surrender, his resistance had been weakened and only thing he could do was to make sure he clutched to every single thread to keep him there.

“His life is nothing to complain about. Stop suffering and stop the regrets. Stop torturing yourself with things that belong to the past. He’s at fault just as much as you are.”

A silence. Everything went blank but Hyunseung still felt being pushed back. It looked like it was giving up, it was forced out, but that something clung to Hyunseung just as much as he did to his own body.

“Leave me.” The last words were sharp and there wasn’t even a tint of hesitation in it.

And to Hyunseung the words were too familiar, his mind was in chaos, it was something he hadn’t experienced before so he didn’t know how to handle it, how to take over again without angering whatever it was, how to cut the thread that only now he had noticed that had always been there. Thin and wavering but still as strong as steel.

It wasn’t a vicious suffering soul which made him especially confused as why he was feeling so light-headed, he didn’t know where the bits of memories came from and why they situated themselves parallel to his own. He had no idea what to do and how to act as the strange source had laid low again but its presence was still there, giving all the leashes back to Hyunseung who closed his eyes for a moment to see the damages.

And it surprised him to see there were none.

Their eyes were still connected but he knew the stranger understood more than he did, but even he was still confused as to what it was. They both knew something was not right; he should bear more damages, his body shouldn’t accept him so easily, there should be something wrong.

But there wasn’t.

But just then Hyunseung felt his lips part and he wanted to resist but he couldn’t, not when it was him giving the commands. He whispered a word he had forgotten. It was quiet, practically inaudible but still made the other’s eyes widen in shock, all the former distance was gone. He let it go.


The stranger leaned over the table fast and Hyunseung diverted his gaze. He couldn’t look at those eyes anymore, he just couldn’t and not because it reflected emotions he was allowed to see, but because now he could see beyond, he could see those same orbs full of everything he couldn’t bear with.

A couple of fingers touched the downside of his chin, making Hyunseung straightly look at him and Hyunseung felt everything he had locked away long ago, what his inner self had shadowed to keep him secure.

All the barriers were gone, disappeared into dust. No longer were Junhyung’s eyes hiding, no longer his gaze was filled with undeniable sadness which was destroying him.

But his eyes weren’t happy either, there were still traces of confusion lingering but he seemed confident enough to let his walls down, forgetting a minor fact that it may be too much and Hyunseung couldn’t help but let go, exhaustion finally taking over him as he collapsed.

He knew.

oneshot, junseung

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