1)Name: Jon
2)Age: 15
3)Sex: Man
4)Sexuality: Straight
5)Location: Ohio
6)What are your hobbies and pastimes? playing frisbee, saying "like oh my god", listening to music, making clay heads, spitting game
7)Top 5 favorite books? MMMM i hate reading but i thoroughly enjoyed all of the R.L Stine books as a child...
8)Top 5 favorite movies? Labrynth, Ferris Buellers Day Off, The Princess Bride, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Dazed and Confused
9)Top 5 favorite bands? Cat Stevens, David Bowie, Rancid, Misfits, Beck
10)The issue you feel strongest about and why: Pro Gay Marriage - Why? Because you can't take someones right to get married away because it is "wrong in the bible." Whatever happened to the division of Government and Religion? hmm... I have never heard a decent argument against it. Love is Love...
11)Favorite decade and why: 70s, it just seems like it would have been good times to live then.
12)Occupation of your dreams: Famous Artist
13)Make a funny picture on paint: paint rules...
Thats a picture of a hippie i know...
14)Honestly, Do you think you'll get in? Why or why not? Probably... I was invited?
15)Favorite Magazine: Playboy and Cosmo
16)Favorite Color: Red
17)Favorite Song: Cat Stevens - Father and Son
18)Promote us to 1 user or community and name them:
17) PICTURES! Lable them please!
Right, Beer
Left, Train