1) Name: Sarah* A.K.A. *BaBi*
2) Age: Gunna Be 14 so 13
4) Sexuality: Bi BaBi!
5) Location: Cali
6) What are your hobbies and pastimes? The Teliphone... Talking, School when it starts... and Cheer!
7) Top 5 favorite books? Jenna Jameson: How To Have Sex Like A Porn Star (its a biography just so ya know). Marilyn Manson: The Long Hard Road Out of Hell. Where The Heart Is. A Walk To Remember. And all of the LOTR books.
8) Top 5 favorite movies? The Secret Window, Ever After, The Little Princess, The Marilyn Manson Documentary... and The Notebook cause i saw it with my baby!
9) Top 5 favorite bands? Marilyn Manson, Something Corporate, Three Days Grace, Slipknot, and Disturbed.
10) The isssue you feel strongest about and why: Abortion: because it deals with lifes of innocent people. I beleive that if you have chosen to have sex you should have to go throught with having the baby; there is always adoption. If there are special circomstances, such as rape you can have one cause it wasn't your fault. sorry bout the explanation if i wasn't supposed to tell about that...
11) Favorite decade and why: The 80's; great hair... haha. fun clothes, and neon colors!
12) Occupation of your dreams: Either Doctor or Lawyer.
13) Draw a funny picture on paint:
14) Honestly, Do you think you'll get in? Why or why not? I think i might get in, but i may be too young.
15) Favorite Magazine: YM, or Teen People, couldn't choose.
16) Favorite Color: HOTT PINK
17) Favorite Song: Just Like You By: Three Days Grace.
18) Promote us to 1 user or community and name them:
ratemyuglyface 19) PICTURES! Lable them please!
when just dyed my hair! hehe.. emo face...
blondness! hyper...
my BFF, Ashley, took that, messin round with my camera phone.
look at me! im a ballerina! yay!