1)Name: Brittany
2)Age: 15
3)Sex: FeMaLe
4)Sexuality: i aM sTr8
5)Location: fLoRiDa
6)What are your hobbies and pastimes? cHeErLeAdiNg aNd GyMnAsTiCs
7)Top 5 favorite books? My Bloddy Life, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, the Giver, All the Harry Potter Books, The Outsiders
8)Top 5 favorite movies? The Notebook, Mean Girls, Dirty Dancing, Thirteen, Sixteen Candles
9)Top 5 favorite bands? Ashlee Simpson, Avril, Hoobastank, Maroon 5, yellowcard
10)The issue you feel strongest about and why: Animal Abuse, I'm and animal rights activist and i hate to see animals get treated wrongly. The dont have a voice so they cant speak up for themsleves, they really have no way of taking care of themsleves without there owners being there for them.
11)Favorite decade and why: Most likely the one that we are in or the 90s. Its really there the only ones that ive ever known.
12)Occupation of your dreams:D.A or Vet
13)Make a funny picture on paint: My paint is all Effed up.. so i cant.. sorry
14)Honestly, Do you think you'll get in? Why or why not? I hope i do. I love rating communites. They are so much fun!!
15)Favorite Magazine: Star
16)Favorite Color: Pink
17)Favorite Song: Ashlee Simpson-- Shadow
18)Promote us to 1 user or community and name them:
___13itch___ 19) PICTURES! Lable them please!
me waiting to go on my cruise
me and my sister.. im on the right
me out in my backyard b4 leaving for the cruise
me and my best friend .. im on the left