
Apr 04, 1998 12:40

R We TeH tAlK oF tEh ToWn R wHaT!? AnD uR nOt EvEN cLoSe TO cAtcHiNg us!!!!!! GoOd TrY lAsT tImE U eNdEd Up GeTtiNg ThE #1 EmO kInGz PaNtIeS iN a WaD oVeR SoMetHiNg He ShOUldNt EvEn Be GivEn CrEdIt FoR! GoOd TrY tHoUgH.

p.s. Im PrEgNaNt WiTH dReW hAYes'S
bAbY. We R GEtTiNg MaRrIed!

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Comments 42

anonymous April 4 2005, 22:38:27 UTC
now since u claim to be pregannat people are prolly wondering if u really are actually the scitzo half of one of the preppy bithes yall burn!
evil smirk
*your happy helper*


lykeomglol April 4 2005, 22:44:59 UTC
HaHa, VeRy TrUe.


lykeomglol April 5 2005, 00:02:49 UTC
pre - gan - nat

tHaTs NoT eVen ClOse.


omg x0babee_girl0x April 4 2005, 23:31:03 UTC
whoever this is yall r sick and plzz just stop. Yall rnt hurtin anyone so just STOP!!!


Re: omg lykeomglol April 4 2005, 23:40:17 UTC
WhY dOnT u Go HaTe On KaMi MaRtIn?


Re: omg x0babee_girl0x April 4 2005, 23:46:15 UTC
umm do u know who i am?


Re: omg lykeomglol April 5 2005, 00:00:42 UTC
UmM... WhY yEs, I dO.


be_y0u_tee_ful April 5 2005, 00:34:31 UTC
Hey everybody..i really think we all need to quit taking this so serious, this is a l i v e j o u r n a l thats all.!


lykeomglol April 5 2005, 00:41:31 UTC
NoBoDy WiLL uNdErStAnD tHaT.


anonymous April 5 2005, 22:30:35 UTC
whoever the fuck ya'll are ..that's pretty DAMN sad that you make a livejournal and talk bout people and that ya'll actually have the time to write in it. wow..what losers! please find something better to do w/ your time little 7TH GRADERS. wow ya'll need to grow up and get a life. ya'll are so fucking immature and by the way we know who ya'll are and we will make ya'lls life a living hell if you don't watch out bitches.


lykeomglol April 5 2005, 22:42:45 UTC
WoW. So ToUgH tHaT yOu LeFt YoUr CoMMeNt AnOnYmOuS.
yOu ThInK wE hAvEn'T hEaRd tHaT wE aRe "sad" and "losers"?
It ObViOuSlY hAsN't AfFeCtEd Us. NiCe TrY tHoUgH.
AnD iF yOu KnOw WhO wE aRe, ThEn TeLL uS oUr NaMeS.


anonymous April 7 2005, 00:26:53 UTC
Wow, you guys have no room to be talking about tough. You wont even reveal who you are, so before you go around posting about people being tough cause they prefer to be anonymous, think of yourself.


lykeomglol April 7 2005, 00:30:19 UTC
If YoU wErE sMaRt, tHeN yOu WoUlD kNoW tHaT wE sAiD tHaT bEcAuSe eVeRyOnE is CaLLinG uS "scared" & "gay" fOr NoT tELLiNg WhO wE ArE, WhEn ThEy cOmmEnT AnOnYmOuS aLsO.

LeT'S nOt Be HyPoCriTs. sHaLL wE?


hehe...-_-'' ummm FUCK YOU! anonymous April 7 2005, 21:46:35 UTC
...you emo hatting bitches...why dont yall go suck on some prep dick and STFU about this shit...carry on with you other shit or what ever just dont fuck around wit EMO, Punks, Goths, (niggers) XD LMFAO...yeah dont fuck with niggers i hate them but ...yeah scarry oohh yeah off topic ...FUCK YOU...there we go ^_^ latter skater hatters!

LoVe My ScArAnO!


Re: hehe...-_-'' ummm FUCK YOU! lykeomglol April 7 2005, 21:49:33 UTC
LaTTeR SkAtEr HaTtErS?
HATERS is spelled with one T.
wAy To CoMmEnT aNoNyMoUs, ShAdOw.
yOu'Re sO sMaRt.


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