Hey, I'm Kitty. I've had lyme for two years and have been treated for one. It really is hard, since none of my friends are dealing with it, and don't really understand what I'm going through. However, you gotta pull through, right
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My neurologist in the University of WA called it Lyme Epilepsy because I never had seizures before exposure to Lyme. An eeg revealed the partial complex seizures and interrupted brainwaves due to Neuroborreliosis. I'm really trying to get a SPECT scan ordered, which shows how the blood flows in the brain.
Thank you for what you said, it brought such a smile to my face. We're all brave to be facing these diseases. We're all heros in my book. :)
Hi, welcome to the group! This is a silly question, but I ask it of everyone - have you found or been able to show your friends the Spoon Theory? That helped a lot of my friends to understand at least a little.
If you ever need advice or someone to talk to, I'm always around. My email is aitisi @ rocketmail . com
How far into the infection did they catch your lyme?
Hi! I'm going to join this support group too! Glad to see you here. I understand what you are saying about your friends. I was always very strong and very healthy, and my friends were too. When i became sick, I guess i was too 'weak' to have as a friend anymore. I've been sick for 5 years, diagnosed 2 years ago after begging for a lyme test and on oral antibiotics for it. I started a blog earlier today because I felt like talking about it, but didn't have anyone to talk to. But now I found YOU GUYS! Yeah! Love to talk to you any time. Good luck with everything!
Comments 7
I never fully comprehended your list before, Willo. You're now coming across as a braver person than ever before to me.
Thank you for what you said, it brought such a smile to my face. We're all brave to be facing these diseases. We're all heros in my book. :)
If you ever need advice or someone to talk to, I'm always around. My email is aitisi @ rocketmail . com
How far into the infection did they catch your lyme?
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