The Doctor whirled around. "Lynda. I believe you asked me if I had a garden."
"Good!" The Doctor hopped from console to console, pulling levers and pushing buttons. "Hold on tight."
Lynda grabbed the nearby railing. "But what-"
"Time enough for that later." He called out.
"There," he said, looking pleased with himself. "Eden. Year, ooh, 2367, I'd say. Sunshine, clear skies, everything blooming."
"But is it safe?" Lynda glanced at the door. "To go outside?"
"What? Of course it's safe! Come on, no sense keeping it waiting." He led her out of the TARDIS into a garden.
She'd seen pictures of Earth Before. Of skies without fog, sun without clouds, trees, grass, flowers. This was... more. Better. "Blimey."
"Yeah? You like it?"
"I've never gone outside before, not when it looked like this." She was trying to take everything in at once, the feel of it, the smells, everything.
"I'll take that as a yes. Oh, look, bananas!" The Doctor enthused, grabbing one. "Are they ripe?" He licked it. "Yes, ripe. Here, have one!" He offered it to Lynda.
She burst out laughing. "I'll get my own, thanks."
The Doctor affected a hurt look. "I only licked the outside. It's not as if it's the part you eat."
"What's that?" Lynda couldn't see any sort of weapon on the robot, but she froze, just in case.
"I'm not sure." He turned to face the robot. "All right, then. I'm the Doctor, and this is Lynda. Take us to your leader."
'Verse: 3
Community: Library of Winds
Prompt: Garden
Rating: G
Length: 257
Notes: Takes place right after Verse 3's the Christmas Invasion.