"I've trapped you here."
"It's not as bad as all that." Lynda stood before the Doctor somewhat awkwardly. "I mean, we're orbiting a black hole, but we're still alive, aren't we? Nobody's trying to kill us. The crew, they seem friendly enough, which is more than can be said for some of the people we've met."
"Lynda, I brought you here. There's no way out of here. The TARDIS is gone."
"Well, it's not like I didn't want to come. Even if we never get out of this one, it's been worth it. Wouldn't have traded it for the world. And," she continued encouragingly, "we've faced Cybermen and werewolves. A black hole ought to be easy after that."
"Lynda," the Doctor said with a sudden grin, "you're trying to cheer me up, aren't you?"
"Someone's got to do it."
"I don't believe this: the rest of the universe is being sucked into a black hole, and you, Lynda Moss, you're still looking on the bright side!" He held his arms out to her. "Come here. I think I've got a hug for you."
Lynda giggled a bit as the Doctor hugged her enthusiastically. "Human beings," he said. "The universe could be ending, and you'd sit around drinking tea and admiring the view. Really just amazing!"
Communities: Library of Winds
Prompt: Black
Word Count: 215
'Verse: Three
Rating: G
Notes: Set during the Verse 3 version of The Impossible Planet. LJ-cut quote from Helen Keller.