Will be fleshed out. Eventually. *shifty*
'Verse One
'Verse one follows PoTW and Bad Wolf canon.
'Verse Two
Follows cannon up to Bad Wolf. Time-fiddling brings Rose back to 2002nd century before Lynda is found. Daleks find Lynda. Daleks are about to shoot Lynda, and they discover they are dust. Lynda, confused by this and the fact that all of the Daleks have suddenly just disappeared, goes running through the Gamestation to the Doctor. Rose's brain overheats (for lack of a better descriptive word), and the Time Vortex returns to the TARDIS without the Doctor stepping in.
Voted most likely to have an angsty Doctor.
'Verse Three
Follows description of 'Verse Two up to the word 'dust'. Doctor kisses Rose, saves day, Lynda finds them, they all wind up in the TARDIS. Doctor regenerates, the Christmas Invasion happens with Lynda basically shoved in the TARDIS by Rose. Post-Christmas Invasion, Rose (after discovering Lynda's coming, too) abstains from going with much wibbling and possibly-changing-her-mind-in-the-future. Lynda and the Doctor set off.
Voted most likely to be used.
'Verse Four
Follows 'Verse Three, except Rose is along, too.
Voted most likely to have catfights.
'Verse Forty-Two
In an Improbability factor of a Very Large Number to A Very Small Number, Lynda is picked up by the Heart of Gold within 30 seconds of being exposed to space by the Daleks.
Voted most likely to be written when on crack.