I know I still need to fulfill the comments on my
Trick or Treat post (hint hint...there's still time...) but I'm kind of out of it right now. I'm not out of it physically but mentally and emotionally.
Dad & Taylor have been massively fighting since Friday and I mean this one's The Worst. I'm not going into details because I'll just get all
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Comments 9
If you want to go into psychology, might I suggest NOT child psych? There's so many of those out there right now. Or so my sophomore seminar is telling me. I don't blame you about the psychiatrist. You'd be like 50 and kind of missing the connecting points for most people and be relevant. Social Work might be interesting, though.
As for psychology, I'm thinking either general psychology or marriage & family counseling. Social work is looking intriguing, too.
Yeah, general psych is probably not a good plan. Just because so, so, SO many people end up with gen psych and it's basically the equivalent of a general studies degree. Marriage and family could be good, especially if you can try and get a social work minor. (It can be a MSW.) Don't mind me. Not trying to dissuade, just help before you go back and get an idea so you can find a good program.
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