Hey there dope. You're requesting access to 1024x768_help which is the moderation community for 1024x768. -smiling- We don't traditionally grant access to that comm unless you're a designer for 1024x768. Thanks for your interest though!
lets start off with this.:. i think youre a bitch and you should treat ppl how you would like to be treated, youre a shit talker, and you hurt peoples feelings...u really should get off that fucking platform you think youre standing on and realize the shit youre doing...i TRULY hope you feel good about yourself...cuz you hurt a good friend of mine...JERK!
Aren't you just the harrassing little banana eater today? Let's take a looksie about what LJ thinks about that. I'd ask who did I hurt and what it was I did to hurt them, but I'm paralyzed with not caring too much. I hope you feel good about yourself now that you've just harrased my friends only post with your useless thoughts about me.
Comments 65
Love, Jillian
I'd ask who did I hurt and what it was I did to hurt them, but I'm paralyzed with not caring too much. I hope you feel good about yourself now that you've just harrased my friends only post with your useless thoughts about me.
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