Feb 15, 2011 17:49



Recap explaining background of the problem:

In 2004, I started to write fanfiction. I went by the name HappyDragon. That's why I sign everything 'Lynn StarDragon, the Happy Dragon' now. But, back when I started, I only posted on/at MediaMiner.Org.

All was well, save if I update a chapter on that site, it rewrites the publication time-stamp. Basically, I just have to NEVER update the 1st chapter to prove when I started posting a story there. Minor annoyance. I can live.

Fast forward. I get into yahoo-groups and post with them. Fast forward, again. I get into writing Kingdom Hearts fic in 2007. I start posting up at AFF.Net.

At the time, AFF is a fucking godsend, because it has all the safety of posting hard-core Pr0nZ without being wiped from the system like MM.Org, but easier. No wiping the publication time-stamp, plus a different time-stamp for updates/edits/new chapters added. And I can just copy and paste from my Apple-Works/non-Windows-word-processing-program-files right onto the site. And it takes the same HTML codes that LJ takes.

Or I should say 'took'.

Rant timez:

I go away for, about, a year, and when I come back to posting on AFF they have changed the fuck out of the place. The site has gone from a nice blue (like my LJ layout)--which I've been told is actually the best background color to read from, off of a computer screen, as it invites LESS eyestrain--to a . . . burnt umber/orange. Not a bad color, just . . . 'huh?'

They also took away A/N chapters. Okay, I found that out when I started my break/hiatus, when I tried to put up such a chapter begging for a new beta. I actually stayed away from writing as long as I did BECAUSE I couldn't find a beta at first. (I had issues with yahoo, and then shit went bad, and communications were dropped, and I now see that I got more responses to my plea then I thought. But the past is the past, so . . .) And I feel part of that is because I couldn't keep the A/N up on AFF to get support.


Fast-forward to now.

I'm posting again. I'm posting again, and on more than just MM.Org and AFF.Net. I have here, and DeviantArt, and now FF.Net. But I have issues with all three:

LJ: My chapters are too long, so I have to break them into multi-posts. I should really ask around how other people with layout can do that thing where a fic post is on a randomly white page with seemingly no character limits. Also . . . . I have an F-Locked story here. Why is it F-Locked? Because there's this new trend on the net/LJ to hunt down a certain kind of fiction, and get it removed from here. And maybe even the writer banned/account wiped.

So If You Want To Read My Kingdom Hearts Stories Here, You'll Have To Friend Me. I'll leave it to you to puzzle out why I can't share them publicly.

FF.Net: Does NOT like Pr0nZ. It's the place most of the readers in the US, maybe Canada, maybe English-speaking Europe, go to find fics. The most popular site, and everyone posts NC-17 goodness. But if one, that's 1!, reader flags you, or a bot--YES! The Site Has Not Only Mods, But BOTS That Scan For Appropriate Fiction!--tags you, your account can/will be wiped.

So far, so good. Everyone loves what I have to write. Just have to worry about the bots. . . But that's why I made a second account, just for posting. If they wipe that one, I'll still have my older account with all my comments/reviews/alerts/favorites on it.

DA: I have to shuffle around my formatting to make it look pretty. Oh, and DeviantArt is a site primarily for VISUAL artists, not fanfic writers. . . . And they might not like Pr0nZ either.

'Why is this a problem', you ask?

The SUPER NEW Thing AFF has done is say: A/Ns--A/Ns built into a chapter, mind you--Can Be NO MORE THAN 600 words. . . .

I FUCKING SNEEZE OUT 600 WORDS! I have intro A/Ns, and Exit-tro A/Ns. I had to cut the A/Ns from almost all of my chapters in my on-going KH fic. I'm lucky as hell my one-shots somehow manage to always be less than that.

OH! And if that wasn't enough, I'm on a MacBook. I don't know how they changed the system to do updates/edits and uploading files/text to the site, but any browser I use to do so runs into new 'Slow running script'. It's constantly running, and so I can only spend about 30 seconds working on a chapter/fic, because it starts to overheat my MacBook, because of all the fail!scripts running. And it keeps stopping me every three, 3!, to either allow, or stop, the fail!script.

And If That's Not Enough!!!! . . . When I copy and paste to the site, it fucks over my formatting. All the spaces between my paragraphs get doubled. It no longer takes the HTML codes, but will read the formatting right from the paste. Sadly LJ and DA still need that HTML coding to see the formatting. So my once beautiful chapters now look like shit, because I CAN'T spend the time to make them look pretty. ;_;

So as it stands now, MM.Org is the least annoying place to post. Still annoying to update there. . . .

I need to find more places to post. @_@;; Anyone got some suggestions?

AND HOW THE HELL DO I DO THAT THING WITH POSTING UNLIMITEDLY LONG POSTS HERE? Like I mentioned, with the randomly white pages/background posts. I've seen so many people do it, it must not be something you have to upgrade/pay for. . . . I'm on a free account. So if it does take money, please let me know.

my writing in general, discussion corner, rants, daily life babble

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