Just wanted to let people know that I'm still kicking, I've just been away from LJ.
Every now and again, I sort of withdraw from the world. I'm a hermit, in a way. A strange hermit, with different social circles that I juggle, but a hermit none the less. Mostly I fall into the shadows when I need to divert my attention and energies to school.
It's the same thing this time. I'm in a portfolio class for creative writing, so all of my energy has been on original fiction and studying.
I've also gotten into other places for the sake of friends:
http://www.menewsha.com/ I'm on there as "Lynn StarDragon"
http://dragcave.net/ I'm on there as "Lynn_StarDragon" and my personal page (scroll) with all my dragons is here -
http://dragcave.net/user/Lynn_StarDragon And here are my eggies individual links.
Don't worry. I won't be spamming everyone's F-List with "CLICK MY EGGS!!!!@345!!" posts; but these are my first ones, so they get special lovings. ^_^
On a side note, I'm into CastleVania now--in ADDITION to my other fandoms--and after this semester I plan on working on a CV fic. I hope I don't muck things up.
Talk to everyone later. I'll be in the wind and shadows.