Hey everyone. I really wasn't going to do this only because I've already talked the hell out of this episode with people on aim. But hey, someone on my flist actually asked for discussion. How could I refuse that?
OMGWTF ... lightning storm? I loved it. The devil's gate in the background. It looks spooky and filled with awesome. I approve.
The season recap of last year? There seemed to be an emphasis on sex that was greater in the recap than the actual season, but hey ... everyone likes sex, right? More viewers = more seasons, and a few shots of Sam and Dean making out? Not exactly a hardship. So, I'm not too worried about that either.
Dean's attitude. I get it. He's relieved. Sammy's alive. He doesn't have to worry about his future or Sam leaving him. He doesn't really have to worry about much of anything. He's acting maybe just a little whimsical in the, "I'm stoned!" way, but that's okay. I don't mind him happy, and knowing what I know about the show? I have this feeling it's not going to last long. Sooner or later he's going to start thinking about leaving Sam and he's going to want to get this whole hell on earth "thing" under control before Sam is left to deal with it alone. After all, Sammy needs the backup. Boy would get himself possessed/kidnapped/choked and no one would be there to save him. I expect angst in the future, but for now, I'm okay with Dean being a bit whimsical and shouting out random shit in moments of tension.
Speaking of moments of tension, we might not have gotten a lot of caring and sharing except for the scene at the end. But I think anyone paying attention will have noticed that even though they weren't spilling their guts every four minutes, there was some serious "we're a team" vibes. Dean went over to Sammy and just stood by him, not saying anything. They spend that time together, just looking at each other. They're together in this. It was just ...
All the extra people. I liked seeing Bobby again. Who didn't? Bobby rocks. Bobby in a suit? Aww. So cute. I barely recognized the guy.
I didn't mind seeing a couple of other hunters. They introduced us to the holy wood that stakes a demon down, for those exorcisms on the go. I hope the boys stole a couple of those. The people themselves? Their issues seemed sort of shoved down our throat, but I don't know that I really wanted to spend more quality time with them to get the picture more slowly, so ... that's okay. For all their big talk, let me just say, not impressed. I was sending Bobby some psychic vibes of my own. They were along the lines of, "Tie the bitch to a chair! She's going to fuck something up!!!" And then she did. She broke the salt line, for gods sake. Corporate should review her membership, revoke her Hunter card. Then the nice demons seem to have walked right by her in order to get in the house. Lucky she looked so damn ineffectual or one of them might have thought to slit her throat real quick. Basically, she's fine. I didn't hate her. I won't mind seeing her later, so she can die. (I think we've all learned that that's the reason Kripke keeps secondary characters alive. He likes to bring them back and slaughter them later, to stress the importance of a situation.)
The girl? I don't hate her either. I liked the handy knife she has. It makes sense. It allows her to be dangerous, but in a way that's believable. Her attack style was basically blitz. She got in, slaughtered the demons before they could realize they were in danger of a weapon they weren't expecting, and then got out again. (And you know who that knife would be super handy for? The crossroad demon. Think about it.) Basically, I don't hate her. I'm still giving her the benefit of the doubt.
And didn't you love the "this ain't scooby doo" line? Is it me, or was that directed completely at the fans for their response to the girls in the first place?
Now, for the pace of the show. They obviously wanted the first episode of the season to be something bigger than just a case file. That's great. And not every season can start with a "In my Time of Dying" bang. That's okay. Frankly, I don't know who's left to kill. *Not Ellen. Not Ellen* So, the feeling of the episode was just a little different because there wasn't the usual lull as they investigated a case. Personally, I don't mind the lull. That's quality banter time. But it looks like Team Kripke (Or Team Network Television Threatening Kripke with Cancellation) have decided on a season that's a little more action packed. I'm willing to roll with that for now. (Mostly on the expectation that it'll get back into a case file or at least more Sam/Dean oriented in the future.)
I don't mind the idea of the demons coming after them instead of them going after the demons. It might help keep things a little more immediate. I hope that it's not always the case, but once in a while it'll be a good alternative. Down side? Fewer costumes. And truly, I will miss seeing the boys in their suits, priests outfits, and orange jumpsuits. So, I hope we don't say goodbye to those things all together.
Now, to wrap it all up. I liked the episode. My hopes were really high after an entire hiatus of waiting, and having In My Time of Dying for an expectation wasn't fair. They just came off of crazy angsty. It's their pattern to space the angst out with some humor and action. Although the humor was a little light in this episode. Still, it was good. Does it stack up to any of a dozen episodes from last season? Not exactly. Frankly, to me, it hedged just this side of forgettable. A little extra blood and gore and sex, but a little less everything that makes the show distinctly itself.
I'm looking forward to the next episode. And really, it wasn't bad. It's just that last season was so all consuming that my expectations were really high.
Oh, and let me get in just one good fangirl squee over how smoken hot both Jensen and Jared were looking. Sam's hair was more or less managed. Dean was flashing those big white teeth of his, dazzling us all with his smirk. Basically, I'm happy.