Okay, I've put off writing this so long that no one is going to read it ... but I can't stop thinking about writing it, so I might as well.
It was good. There were things that I liked better than others, but overall, it was good. Good in a way that had me pausing my tv and sing songing things like, "Oh my god, that's so perfect! This is so perfect!"
Supernatural has a way of really coming through for the fans, I think. It's like they KNOW what we want to see ... through heavy fanfic reading would be my guess, but still. They KNOW, and they deliver more than we could have imagined.
The opening clip for the finale, with Carry On My Wayward Son playing ... it was just brilliant. Talk about blood in the water. I mean, I was looking forward to it, but the minute I saw that I just had a little fangirl heartbubble of happiness.
And Dean's dream, followed by Dean's reaction upon waking up, was really great. Really, this is a great time to pause and fangirl over Jensen. Because, damn. That boy blows me out of the water. He's so amazing. His reactions are so understated but powerful ... it's just amazing. I honestly can't imagine why he's not uber famous and getting offered movie roles every other day. He explores the entire spectrum of emotions through Dean, and fuck if I don't believe every one of them. He always, always delivers.
That scene where they sing together ... not only is it a fangirl moment of pure squee, but it was so freaken heartbreaking and beautiful. It couldn't have been any better. It just couldn't have.
I loved almost everything, really. I love how it mirrored fanfic in a lot of ways, and how I KNEW what the characters would do. Maybe I'm spending a little too much time in Sam and Dean's heads, but everything they did was right on target for how I read the boys. It was really amazing.
Of course, I hate how Dean ended up in hell, but ... I can't say I'm completely unhappy with it. Why do I want Dean to go to hell, you ask? Well, I don't. I have only the deepest, most unhealthy of loves for Dean and want all good things for him. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen, and it really wouldn't make very good tv. But Dean going to hell? That's going to make some freaken awesome tv. I loved the second season, with Dean all broken and ripped apart. The story is clearly told mostly from Dean's point of view. When Dean's miserable, truly miserable, that's when we get the scenes that explore their characters and slow down enough to hurt. I can't say I'm disappointed that we'll get more of that.
There were a few things that I wasn't crazy about in the finale. I didn't necessarily like how much blood there was when the hellhounds got Dean. It seemed a little horror movie to me, but I guess it was probably a good thing that the hounds were merciful enough to induce arterial spray. It was quicker. Also, I wasn't a huge fan of Sam's broken face, but I never really have been. I love Jared, with his flailing limbs, infectious smile and dorktastic personality, but he just doesn't cry as well as Jensen.
But mostly, it was good. I can't wait for the next season to start, and the only major complaint I have is ... only 16 episodes?