Overall, an ok episode, but there was one really great moment: when Klaus admitted to Elijah that he might have gone too far with Haley and Gia, and promised that Elijah would never fall by his hand. And Elijah says nothing and just walks out on him. OUCH. This is actual character growth for Klaus, and I find it fascinating. He never apologizes, and never admits to any weakness. And when he finally does, nobody believes him. It's crazy yet utterly believable and felt so real. Great moment for them both.
Does anybody kind of think that the first generation of vamps turned are even crazier than the Originals? I didn't think it was possible, and yet.
I've never seen "50 Shades of Grey" or even read the books, but Lucien in his luxury penthouse gives me serious Christian Grey vibes. His seer/girlfriend even looks like Dakota Johnson.
Still don't care about Haley/Jackson, no matter how much Thunderdome sex they have.
Cami continues to be awesome. She has grown so much as a character, and Leah Pipes continues to get better and better in the role. Love her.
Still really enjoying Killjoy. I'm pretty sure that was a Canadian $50 bill they used in "A Glitch in the System." Heeeeeee. Local productions are fun.
Saw the trailer for Marvel's "Jessica Jones" today, and HOLY CRAP IT LOOKS AWESOME. I've never cared before about a Netflix account but I might get one just for this show.
Tomorrow I'm heading out to the opposite coast for the Big Annual Work Thing. It'll be super-busy but it's usually a lot of fun, too. Work and vacation combined, whee!