5 question meme

May 11, 2010 18:17

1. Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3. You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

surreallis gave me these:

1. Talk about one specific cause that you support and is important to you.

Helping kids within or from abusive homes -- I think adults a lot of the time get caught up in things and sometimes don't realize how much is taken in and processed by their kids and the kids sometimes get caught in the wheels of something they really shouldn't have to be a part of. And I just think its so important to reach out to these kids so they know there are safe places to go and other ways of life so that they don't get trapped in the cycle that their parents got caught in.

2. What is your favorite way to relax after a bad day?

I'm not very good at relaxing...I tend to dwell, though I am getting better. I find going to volunteer or going to choir pracitce helps get my mind off of things and distracts me enough where things don't bother me as much. Which I find interesting because at the same time, I am the type of person who has to have time alone to decompress. So I guess finding other things to occupy my mind with...even though they sometimes in the moment aren't nessicarily relaxing; in the long run they make me more easy going in general.

3. Is writing a serious thing to you? What genres are you interested in writing?

I take writing seriously. As I've gotten more involved with LJ and been introduced to some really talented writers I have started to be more...anal...about the fanfic I write. For a long time I wanted to be a writer...a published...or screeenwiter, but I got to a point where I discovered I like it more as a hobby, but I don't think that means I'm not serious about it. I still would love to pick up some of my original work again and just see if there's a story to tell and if publishing would ever be possible, but either way I have to write. I'd go crazy if I didn't write and I think I've changed as a writer as I've gotten involved with writing fanfic and really want it to be a good as it can be and continue to get better and challenge myself. Sometimes its hard to do that in fanfic though because it's not like a workshop atmosphere where something is really critqued...which sometimes I want more of that...even though some days I really just want praise....but don't we all.

As far as genres...I do I have a small desire to write sci-fi, but I really like family dramas. I don't know if there are really specfic genres, but really anything that's about ordinary people dealing with something painful or scary or something extraordinary.

4. What area of study do you strive to learn more about?

I've always loved religion and am really getting to a point where I would like to find classes or books to enhance that more. In college, most of my electives were relgious classes, but they dealt mostly with a feminist perspective with the exception of Earth Centered and Taoism. I'd really love to study the Bible more in depth because its really surprising some of the things you learn that people convienently leave out when you really look at the text (like Eve and the apple - there is a line that says "and he was with her" meaning Adam and really dispells this idea of Eve being this figure that destroys paradise because he was there too - he could have steped in...IDK stuff like that I find really interesting. Or alternative interpertation of Bible stories like Eve being the bringer of knowledge instead of sin).

5. What emotion do you find most difficult to deal with?

Anger. Its very rare for people to see me get angry because I typically...well I should say I am typically good at looking easy going...but in actuallity I really bottle stuff up because I don't deal well with confrintation and then somethng stupid just sets me off, but it's always internal anger...it rarely gets pointed outward...though sometimes someone will catch me on a bad bad and I'll crack...


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