Hello, friends. Would you like to take a tour of my new apartment? I think you would.
Here is the front of the building. This is the half that is closest to the street. It is number 498. Which is kind of strange...
Here is the front of the building again. This is the half that is set back from the street. It is back here that is where my front door is.
Here is my front door. Now you might be able to tell why it is kind of strange why the other half of the building is 498.
The stairs up to the second floor....No one lives on the second floor, and probably will not until the spring. I guess he has a lot of renovating he needs to do up there. Which is fine by me, because I'll never be home while he's working on it, and it's like I've got my own little house in the middle of nowhere.
The second floor porch door. This goes out to a big porch on the second floor that you can see in one of the first pictures. I do not have one of these doors in the hallway on my floor. It was closed off to create a walk-in closet.
Hey! The third floor!
Hey! My front door! Looks into the kitchen.
This is right when you walk in the door. The kitchen counter and cabinets. There is a dishwasher. (YAY!) Single basin sink. (meh.) Kind of blurry.
The look further down that same ally...the stove and the window.
The stove! Mmmmm gas stoveeee....
This is the extra room to the right of where the stove is. That ugly green carpet is going to go. It's painted blue hardwood under the ugly carpet. I will figure out which of my carpets is larger and put it in there. the futon will be there and it'll be like a guest room. You can see the closet. And there's a window in there.
A weird and badly perspectived picture of the livingroom.
The pocket doors to my bedroom!
The pocket doors open into the bedroom. OOoooh. Aaaahhhh.
Closer to the windows. Aaaahhh. OOOoooh.
To the left. Shows the door to the walk-in closet. I took some pictures inside it, but it's a crappy perspective and it's really hard to see what it really is. So I'm not going to post them. It's like a reverse L shape with the bottom of the L being closer to the door, and the top part shoots away from the door. It's cool. Come see it sometime.
To the right a bit. Nothing much interesting.
Okay. We're going back through the kitchen now to the other side. This is the porch. You can see the door into the kitchen on the left.
Another view of the porch. That door is a big storage room thing. Another case of shitty-pictures-so-didn't-bother. Rest assured that it is huge and will hold my AC and christmas tree and whatever else very nicely.
Down the stairs to the second floor porch. This part of the porch is not so nice. Neither is the corner I am standing in.
And finally, a very important room. The bathroom.
And then the vanity/sink.
And that's pretty much it. NICE PLACE, EH??