Okay, so Stiles has drag queens on speed dial. This is possibly the greatest revelation of the episode, IMO.
But, see, I don't picture him actually taking down their numbers, not the way the scene in the club episode was set up. Really, I think one of the ladies snatched his phone out of his hand when he was, like, awkwardly pretending to get a text or check the time. And promptly sent texts to herself and all the other drag queens.
And now they all have HIS number.
So ever since then, he keeps getting texts from unrecognized numbers throughout the day.
And at first it was kind of unsettling and possibly embarrassing. Because practically everything has an innuendo in it! But they're really funny, too. And funny + innuendo = Stiles's native language. So it stops feeling weird and starts being one of the better parts of his day, when he gets unprompted texts from people calling him "cutie," complaining about bigoted asshats and just plain old regular asshats and making sure he remembers that it's liquor THEN beer.
And maaaaaaaaybe he might let a few things slip. Like how nobody even believes that he could be gay, despite his definite willingness to give it a go. He could be! Derek's abs definitely make an argument in that direction! Or how he's maybe on Lydia's radar but he's still not important to her. People think she's ready for a straightjacket, but she's still not crazy enough to want to date him. And how he feels guilty about keeping potentially life-saving, -threatening, or -altering secrets from people (Dad. Lydia.) who are so important to him. No, he's not going to tell "mama." Because they're secrets, that's why!
And so on and so forth. I don't know. I just really like the idea, although he'd probably feel even worse about getting them all to show up at a party where they get non-consensually drugged up and possibly placed in mortal danger, if that were the case.
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