Avatar 215-220

Jan 06, 2007 17:05

(aside to LJ: *pokes new posting format suspiciously*)

Finally caught up with Avatar. Just didn't have the time, or the interest, for awhile, and then I started rewatching and remembered "oh yeah I'm in love with this show :D"

First, 215. I remember everyone flipping out about Jin, either that she was a Mary Sue, or at least made Zuko OOC, or else jumping to her defense. And eh...well, she had a cute character design, made Zuko be cute and awkward, but beyond that was kind of boring, but most importantly, a) was a fifth of a one-shot character, and b) the thing that everyone seems to forget, when bitching about "poorly developed romance" - see: Sokka/Yue - is that these guys are teenagers. When was the last time you met a Real, Live teen romance that was well-developed, made sense, and moved you to the depths of your soul or whatever? So yeah, Zuko telling her to close her eyes and then lighting candles by way of firebending was kind of dumb, but I'd say believably dumb, due to the previously mentioned cute character design. But enough about that. Obviously the key pairing in this episode that everyone should have flipped out over was Sokka/Poetry Girls orgy. Meanwhile, Katara+Toph interaction was ADORABLE, and ;_;. Iroh.

216. APPA. How cool can one flying six-legged bison be? Oh yeah. THAT cool. I hope Suki isn't dead, but I'm fine with it if she is. Of course, I'm currently reacquainting myself with George RR Martin by way of A Feast for Crows, one of my Christmas presents, so a death here or there looks like nothing in comparison.
Everything else, but mainly the finale -

Toph. OMG. Bending metal. How terribly badass. God, she's nearly my favorite character. If not for Iroh, and Sokka, she so would be. I also have a strange yearning for buddy-movie-esque fic about her two pursuers (no idea what their names are).

Toph+Iroh interaction, :D. Aang+Iroh too!

Zuko+Katara interaction that WASN'T FIGHTING. How cool is that? Followed by more Zuko+Katara battling it out. Katara v. Azula was cool; I am pleased that when Azula doesn't have back-up, Katara could hold her own.

....ZUKO. YOU BETRAYED IROH. I WANT TO SMACK YOU. Objectively, it's interesting as hell, plot-wise, and now I can write Azula/Mai/Zuko, :D. Nonetheless: ZUKO I HATE YOU ;_;

AZULA/LONG FENG: mindgames, power games, sex games: Y/N?

The highlight though, had to be the scene where Sokka, Toph, and the Earth King return to rescue Bosco the Bear, to find Ty Lee trying to teach it to walk on its hind legs, followed by Mai's bored "oh, just take the bear."

Edit: But the second-best highlight was IROH GETTING A TEA SHOP. I am so sad that he won't get to keep it now that Azula is in charge. He should get a new one at the end of the series.

Oh right, and the third best highlight was Iroh BREATHING FIRE and being unbearably badass.

I keep seeing on my flist mention of a certain pairing, one called Sokka/The Ladies, and I would just like to say OH YES, though considering the ladies who keep pursuing him, it's more accurately The Ladies/Sokka.
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