May 4th is [today], and in case you don't already know, it is National Star Wars Day. So let me be the first to say, "May the 4th be with you!"
The following are some ways we can all celebrate this most sacred day:
1. Watch Star Wars. Any one or all six will make for a great Star Wars Day! If you are one of those sad people who has lived a sheltered little life and never once seen Star Wars, make it your goal to at least watch one of the six films! If there is one of the movies you dislike more than the rest, watch that one first. It may be that you just don't give it much of a chance to impress you.
2. Tell some one that, "the Force will be with them...always."
3. Become a Jedi, like your father before you.
4. Use at least 3 quotes form the saga in your daily routine. For example, "I have a bad feeling about this" or, "Laugh it up, Fuzzball" or, "Impressive, most impressive."
5. Go to and read one databank entry about a character you know nothing about.
6. Do or do not, there is no try.
7. Hold a discussion with someone about Star Wars. Maybe about something in the movies that just doesn't make sense to you, or that you need clarification on.
8. Join Hyperspace, the official Star Wars fan club.
9. Destroy a Death Star.
10. Use the Force to open the door at the grocery store.
11. Hold a toy Lightsaber duel with someone.
12. Give birth to twins and name them Luke and Leia.
13. Learn to speak Huttese.
14. Go to Disneyland and ride 'Star Tours' over and over and over again.
15. Execute Order 66.
16. Buy a Star Wars action figure.
17. Build your own Protocol droid.
18. Give your sister a passionate kiss on the mouth (ok, maybe not the best way to celebrate).
19. Read a Star Wars novel (I recommend 'Shatterpoint' by Matthew Stover).
20. HAVE FUN!!!
21. See how many incredible smells you can discover.
22. Give in to your anger.
23. Get trained in the Jedi arts by Count Dooku.
24. Get your arm cut off.
25. Join the 501st.
26. Try to sell someone Deathsticks then go home and rethink your life.
27. Look at something, "from a certain point of view."
28. Let the Wookie win.
29. Write a Star Wars blog.
30. Buy something from
31. Free a slave by cheating a Toydarian.
32. Think of the gold bikini scene (so hot...want to touch the hiney).
33. Try to figure out why everyone in the GFFA can understand basic.
34. Play Star Wars Galaxies (I'm addicted to that game).
35. Wipe them out...all of them!
These are just some ideas on how to Celebrate National Star Wars Day. Feel free to participate any way you see fit, but make sure you remember Star Wars tomorrow!
May the 4th be with you, and, May the Force be with you!