I designed a Tribal tattoo or whatever it could be today... "You say to a 5 year old: 'Be a christian or Hitler with come back to life as a zombie' And you got a God-Bummer in the making" - Rich HAHAH AHAHHAHA WOO. ( Read more... )
WOO I feel SO FUCKING LIberated seriously.. I feel fucking amazing about myself and I don't REEEAAALLLYYYY know why.. I'm bored out of my fucking midn and I'm sick of the internet? but I'm happy I really am I feel like I've shrugged off one of those cunty moods you get in that last? but this lasted like.. an hour, I didn't get to meet Bianca but
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Heh went to "St Margeret's Mental institute for the mentally insane" today, Heh it's abandoned and shit? so we just had to break in? The compound is massive and we went to this church basement when it was dark and the typical shit happened, we saw things that shouldn't be there and heard weird shit, pretty cool actually I had fun today untill i got
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I killed myself today :| I went to a well, track thing on my scrambler/motocross for those of you who DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE AND YES MY FACE IS LIkE THIS BECAUSE OF YOU RETARDS " :| " http://www.chrismacvie.co.uk/motocross/images/pic1.jpg you can see one there,
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The Reason I SCREENED your comments is becaus eit was a blatant stab at my belief and my post, if you have a problem, Shut the fuck up because I don't want to know, If you want to bitch, bitch to someone who cares. Yeha, I know I'm lovley.. You don't have to tell me, Jerk.