just so ya all know, I just noiced my puter is a day behind.... lol... most posts from within the last month or two are a day after the specified date.... just so you don't think I'm some kinda crackhead talkin about the day after christmas when it says it is christmas... lol...
So yeah.. just bored and checkin me -email... something prompted a memory of this online journel thingy I got goin on and ahhh yeah, thought I'd put something in it.. lol
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well well whats new.. lets see, I've moved about 4-5 times and am livin back in hillbilly land, although I've had the same job doing concrete work for about six months now... thats an all time record I think
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ahhhh.. rapier fighting.. what fun.. can't wait till I'm able to just fight and such.... right now it's mostly learning and drills.. but, it's still fun as hell
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Kay.. this is a poem I wrote in about grade 9 or 10 or so... anyhow, I decided I should share this with the world... well, kay, kashi is prbably the only one that reads this.. lol
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