(no subject)

Jan 30, 2006 00:29

there are certain times in your life when you have to look at yourself in the mirror and ask,

"am I happy? why not? what will make me happy? Is it within my capabilities to be happy? What do i need to do to be happy?"

I've asked myself, more than a million times over, those same questions, and never could answer them truthfully.

well i decided here are my answers

1Q) Am I happy?

1A) not entirely

2Q) Why not?

2A) Because I'm not in my own place with the woman i love, and i can't currently support the life i want to have with her.

3Q) What will make me happy?

3A) Being able to have a sucessful, happy life with the woman I am totally in love with.

4Q) Is it within my capabilities to be happy?

4A) Yes

5Q) What do I need to do to be happy?"

5A) Get a job (and keep it), finish school, find a house or apartment that we can afford with room for her kids, her and I.

so with those questions answered I figure it's better to lay down a solid plan of action ( and stick to it regardless of how much any of it sucks) so here it is

1. get a job (ANY job) and KEEP it
2. get a house or apartment with puter_pixie
3. complete my education ( as soon as humanly possible)
4. pay off my fines and debts and clean up my credit
5. get a car
6. get a job in the field of my degree (pc repair/pc networking)
7. have a baby wih my beautiful puter_pixie
8. live life by the income of my profession and try to get published

There are alot more details involved both in what i need to do and what i plan to do but these are the primary ones that come to mind. anyway i still post my writing on deviantart at http://lynxstarfire25.deviantart.com visit there and look at the gallery on that page (my page there)

Meow for now!!!!

p.s. I am with and in love with the most beautiful, yummy, loving, sexy woman in the entire world!!!!!!
(that's her in my icon with me)
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