
May 22, 2005 03:26

Alright.. some weird ass things have happened the last 2 days... last night i got 27 dollars from a stranger and sprained my ankel.. tonite i saw star wars and heard something that made my spine chilled to the core.. i have a convo of me and someone else on a chat program for gammers... but anyway, i am DCLYNXZ in the conversation.. so without ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

honeymine May 22 2005, 16:39:33 UTC
This is so funny you are posting this. Last night my neighbor was talking about ghosts at like 330a and our experiences. Her 2 yr old daughter carrying on conversations in the night really freaks her out. Plus, her daughter has to have the right side of the sliding closet up. Never the left side. That's kinda weird.

The noise you heard could have been a cat in heat. Before one of my cats was fixed she sounded very much like the noise you described.


lynxz May 23 2005, 05:07:33 UTC
In no way was this a cat. No way possible.. WAY too loud.. and the way it moved closer and closer without us seeing anything? my friend said it was probably just a kid... but i think it was more...


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