So I know a large portion of you readers aren't really into video games, however I know one of you in particular (I'm looking at you
nyghtshayde ) will giggle over this just because of the subject matter. A quick explanation first (for those of you who really don't care anyways, but humor me goddamnit):
Fable is a game set in a pseudo mid-evil world in which you get to choose whether you are a good guy or a bad guy. Your choice really has no bearing on the plotline as a whole (though people will react to you differently, you'll be scarier if you're evil, more holy looking if you're good) until the very end where you can choose to be good and throw the evil sword of destiny (or some such blather, I haven't actually beaten the game) into the swirling vortex of doom to seal it shut or take the sword, kill your sister, fuck the world and become the biggest bad ass there ever was.
Fable II is more of the same, however you get choose between being a male or female character. And there are prostitutes. Yep. Prostitutes. Both male and female. However I've yet to actually see one. Apparently their dress isn't all that different from your everyday peasant. Or I'm not very observant. Both are pretty high possibilities.
Fable III, however, is bound and determined to make sure you know a prostitute when you goddamned see one. You can click the picture for a better view. Unfortunately, despite my having saved a much larger version of this picture, I can't seem to get it any bigger than what you see. LJ is being a pain. And the little clip at the top says "You should have seen the ones we weren't allowed to make!"
Personally I like the heart shaped assless chaps. ;)