Title: How They Became
lynzibellRating: PG (for language)
Characters: Sam
Spoilers: 5.1 and 5.2
Warnings: Angst, may lean towards the melodramatic. Un-beta’d as I just had to get it out.
Summary: "We were just starting to be brothers again."
“I just don’t think I can trust you.”
Dean’s words had been haunting him, had been hurting him.
This was worse that when he’d called him monster, than when he said he’d hunt him down and kill him. Worse than when he had echoed Dad’s ultimatum. All those words was dean’s strange way of getting through to him, his way of reaching out.
But this…
This was the same as Dean saying, “I’ve given up.”
How did I let this happen?
After everything, after everything we’ve lost and gained.
“We were just starting to be brothers again.”
Sam walks to the Impala to grab his stuff, choking back tears. He Cannot let Dean see him like this. After all, it was his own stupid idea.
Stupid Dumbass, of course he agreed.
You started the fucking Apocalypse!
If it weren’t for you, you’d both be hunting a Chupacabre or something instead of Fucking Lucifer!
Even still, he didn’t have to agree.
He walks up to the pick-up and asks the former soldier if he can ride along for awhile. After a few miles Sam lets out a heavy sigh.
“Shit,” says the guy, “I don’t know you guys do this for a living. Guess it’s good you and your brother are so close.”
That did not go as planned. I was supposed to lay everything out in the open. No more secrets.
Then he was supposed say “It’s ok Sammy.”
Then I’d offer to leave and give him space.
And he was supposed to say, “Absolutely not Sam. We are stronger together. We are family and we will fix this.”
“Fucking asshole.”
“Come again?”
“Sorry, just thinking out loud, I guess. About what just happened.”
“Damn straight that guy was a fucking asshole, messing with people’s minds and shit. Stupid fucker!”
Sam chuckled. “Ya. Stupid fucker.”
“I’m Rob by the way.”
“So Sam, you and your brother gonna meet up later or somethin’?”
God, I hope so.
As they ride, Sam remembers his first trip to Stanford. Fate had pulled him back to this world then. Surely it would bring his brother back as well.
A/N: I couldn’t for the life of me find the Military guy’s name so I named him Rob. Sorry if it’s a bit cliché. Everyone was writing Dean’s reaction and I really wanted to hear Sam’s point of view. Please be kind and comment because comments are love!
Title from Martina McBride’s “Strangers”.
Exact dialogue from supernaturalwiki.com