Gaylord McGaygay goes to Gaytown

Aug 20, 2005 14:01

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Does eeuuugh have a funny-shaped head or what?Hahahahaha yeah it runs in the family. He wants to get a tattoo on it as well.If you had the chance to sleep with strangeparadyse, would you?Probably.Did normallife steal the cookie from the cookie jar?DefinitelyWhat would fpoo do with half a million dollars (U.S.)?Blow it on dollar store items and trying to save the world.Whom does deadpeekay get along best with?Well, it used to be Spencer but now I don't really know.What do you think of when you see drshoggoth?Classical music, D&D, dreams, and now Godzilla.What's up with stripestripe?She needs to live with me.Does batgirlblue understand quantum chromodynamics?She better, or we're fucked.What is kangaguru's favorite movie?Probably something along the lines of "Gaylord McGaygay goes to Gaytown"
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

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