I got The Batman: Third Season yesterday, to much squeeage.
I have loved this new cartoon series for a while now.
And this one brought in Batgirl and Poison Ivy which was a big thrill.
Or so I thought.
The first thing that put me off was the change to the opening credits music.
Wft? A techno version of the old tv series?? Who made that decision? They should be shot!
And the voice-over of Babs got to me too. Yeah, I get why they did but it annoyed me. Also Babs’s eyes in general irritated me. Sometimes they got it right, but not enough to stop me from disliking her.
That Ghost In The Shell rip-off villain called Templor? Puh-lease. And where the hell does a juvie-hall girl get voice modification software and hardware in her lower-class socio-economic background?
Bats wandering around in the daytime is disturbing. He’s supposed to be this urban legend and he’s almost waving and giving “you-da-man” fingers to the cops. Jim, I love you but Bats is your partner, not your pet.
The overuse of vegetable sayings got to me. It was cute to start off with and made me realise how many veggie-related sayings we have but after a while, it got reeeeal irritating. The moralisms were very irritating too.
And it takes Miss Gordon a little over 2 episodes to come to the conclusion that Bruce Wayne is Batman while Ethan from the last 2 seasons, who knew Bruce from when they were at college together AND a police officer, can’t make the connection?? I know she’s smart and all but…
I had read on some of the Amazon.com reviews of the series that Batman was in a lot of situations where he had to be saved by his sidekick and then ended up saving the sidekick once he himself had been saved.
I now understand what that reviewer meant. But I guess that’s the lot of a sidekick’s life.
Okay - the stuff that I actually *liked*.
- The dynamic between Babs and Ivy was very cool. It was nice to see another female villain. While I think Catwoman is the bomb, she’s also limited. Sorry Selina, you are.
- OMG Ivy’s powers were FREAKIN’ AWESOME! OMG!
- *snigger* Babs called Batman “dude”. That makes me laugh. I’d love to call Batman “dude” to his face. Of course I would probably fear for my life for the short remainder of it but the lemming part of me would love to try it.
- I want a rabid bonsai.
I will say this for it - it’s very interesting to see two of my favourite characters go down very different paths. Babs I found grating. Ivy I found rocked. She was cheeky and sneaky but not that sexy. She was resentful with enough crazy to warrant her going completely psycho when covered in that weird stuff.
I’ve only made it through the first disc. I’ll watch the second tonight and maybe a bit tomorrow morning (packing for going home and watching my tapings of Life, Heroes and Bionic Woman. We shall have to see.
I’m a trifle concerned about Season 4’s Robin now.
Has anybody seen it yet? What’s your view on our Dick?
Bring on The Dark Knight next July. I’d better see some love, Chris Nolan, or you and me? We’re gonna have words.
dingogrrl and sis Saturday!! Even bigger EEEEE!!!