1. What is the first person you ever slept with's middle name?
I'm pretty sure the first person I slept with was my mother, shortly after I was born. Her middle name is Gayl.
2. What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color?
hot pink with leopard-print border
3. What is the song you want played at your funeral?
The Water is Wide
4. What is the phone number of your sluttiest friend so some of the single people can get some action?
I have no slutty friends, sorry. *smirk*
5. What would your last meal be before getting executed?
Why bother eating anything?
6. Beatles or Stones?
Beatles. Though Stones are nice, too.
7. If you had to pick one person on earth who should die, who would it be?
That's not my job.
8. Last person you want to hear their problems?
The President.
9. What is the thing most important to you about the gender you are interested in?
He loves me without my asking.
10. Do you secretly hate some of your friends but are too nice to reject them?
If I secretly hate someone, I really don't consider him or her a friend
11.If you could have any super power what would it be?
To fly
12. Favorite hangover cure?
I've never had a hangover
13. How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?
I've never been drunk, either
14. Favorite lyric?
15. Hair color you most like someone you're dating to have?
Reddish-brown hair and I do most like him.
16. If you had to be blind or deaf?
Please, don't ask me that one.
17. Did you make any new years resolutions this year?
18. Siblings that should go to rehab?
19. Least favorite month?
I really don't have one
20. Favorite hateful thing to do to someone?
No hate, just teasing.
21. First movie you can remember seeing as a kid?
Pete's Dragon
23. When's the last time you went on a date?
Scott and I went to see RENT a coupls of weeks ago.
24. Do you like violent movies or dirty movies?
Neither, thanks. aLthough some I like have some violence.
25. Fall or spring?
26. Person you most wish you hadn't made out with?
I've only ever made out with one man and oh baby I'll never wish I hadn't.
27. If you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with.
There are a few of them, actually.
28. Where do you want to live when you are old and brittle?
Always in the mountains
29. Who is the person you can count on most?
Well, since I have ten fingers and ten toes, I can count on myself just fine.
30. If you could date any celebrity past or present, time and age are not factors?
That is a very badly worded question. Not even a complete sentence, actually. So I refuse to answer it.
31. What books have you pretended you've read?
Who would do a retarded thing like that?
32. What's a word you would use to describe your life?
33. Favorite drinking game?
Never played a drinking game.
First car:
1988 Subaru
First REAL break-up:
First job:
McDonalds. Bleh.
First screen name:
First self-purchased album:
the soundtrack to Titanic. Hate the movie, love the music.
First funeral:
My Grandpa, when I was nine.
First pet:
A very darling feisty black cat named Nicole
First credit card:
First true love:
Scott. Always.
First enemy:
this bratty girl who lived across the street
First big trip:
Wales in 2001
First music you remember hearing in your house:
Ken Medema
First broken bone:
First serious illness:
I had a cough once that lasted for two months...not too serious, though. These spots I have now, though, are making me want to die.
Last cigarette:
Haven't had a first yet
Last car ride:
driving home from the doctor's yesterday after she told me I was part of an epidemic
Last kiss:
Tuesday afternoon, sending Scott off to work. No more for a couple of days, though; damned infection.
Last good cry:
One really stressful night before school ended.
Last book read:
Currently readin C.S. Lewis' An Experiement in Criticism
Last movie seen:
The Phantom of the Opera
Last dream:
I don't remember
Last beverage drank:
Lemon and ginger tea
Last food consumed:
Last tv show watched:
Last shoes worn:
chuck taylors
Last outfit worn:
green cargoes and a blue hoodie jacket
Last cd played:
Sarah McLachlan Surfacing
Last wish:
That these damned spots and killer sore throat would leave me in peace
Last item bought:
Last annoyance:
Infections. Have I said enough?
Last disappointment:
Don't make me say it again
Last soda drank:
I can't remember
Last ice cream eaten:
Can't remember that either
Last alcohol drink:
Irish carbombs Monday night
Last webpage visited:
Since I'm here, I have to say Livejournal