Title: Dear Murphy...
Author: Lyra
Rating: R, for language
Pairing: Karrin/Harry
Spoilers: Random mentions of things from Fool Moon, Summer Knight, Blood Rites,
Synopsis: Because being short doesn't mean you can't be a badass.
Author's Note: Writting for
dear_character , because I need to appreciate my strong female characters after reading Twilight wank all day.
Dear Murphy,
Let me start off and say that you are seriously the most ass-kicking female character I've ever met. Seriously, I think you might even be tougher than Buffy, partly because you don't have the super slayer powers and still manage to kill monsters. I love the fact that you tried to take down a werewolf with nothing more than .22 rounds of silver you cast yourself. I love that you killed a tree monster with a chainsaw. Hell, I still grin at the fact that you went gunfighting vampires in your panties. Seriously, Karrin, you are a phenomenal character, someone who is deeply driven by her convictions.
I also love the fact that you're complicated. You are so driven that you've lost love. You've been hurt and you deal with that hurt. You're damaged goods, but you don't sit around feeling sorry for yourself. You get up, you put the boots on, and you kick monster ass. You don't let the boys' club push you around, and you are one of the only people who puts Harry in his place on a regular basis. You are fantastic, I love you. You are a hundred thousand times more interesting, more well-thought out than Bella Swan (if I put her in a cage and send her to Chicago, will you beat some self-respect and common sense into her?). You don't go around sleeping with everything that's got a supernatural dick like Anita Blake.
But Murph, now that you know I love you, can we talk seriously? You and Harry Dresden are perfect for each other. Seriously, you rival Mulder and Scully for UST on a good day. You two can be lovers and friends, because you understand each other more than anyone else in the series.
So, seriously Murph, give some thought to it. I know you and Harry both Have Issues, but Thomas and I have been talking and we agree that you are being seriously stiff-necked idiots for not going for it. Please? Please? Pretty please?
I'll still love and respect you for being kick-ass even if you don't, but Murph, it would make your life happier if you and Harry just let go of the issues for a day.
lyrangalia Oh yeah, baby dragons: