Title: Underneath the Skies of Lust
Author: Lyra
Rating: R
Fandom: Dresden Files
Pairing: Implied Thomas/Justine
Spoilers: Up through Turn Coat
Warnings: Descriptions of and allusions to torture, violence, sexual situations
Synopsis: Thomas attempts to deal with his experience at the hands of the Skinwalker in his own way.
Author's Notes: Thank you to
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Comments 16
That said, very nicely written. And it completely makes sense that those kind of women is what the skinwalker did to Thomas. *sighs, pets* poor you, both on writing and on re-reading this.
Glad you think it makes sense. It's just so... disturbing getting into his head when he's monstering it up on the inside. *shudder*
*pets* I totally understand. If you want to venture in a fandom you don't know, here about getting in another headspace that's really really disturbing. Just as, I know what you mean. (Usually I don't indulge in the worst places my muses have been, or the results aren't very impressive, but that one scared even me. So... yeah.) Anyway. I understand, and yes, it makes sense!
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