Urrgh, I have a stupid cold. *snnnrrrkk* *curls up in a tiny ball of pathetic misery* And, of course, I am behind again.
Day 12
In your own space, rec at least three fanworks that you think would make a good intro into XYZ fandom. Rec a fandom overview, a introductory picspam, stories that define and shape the fandom.
The Willy Wonka fandom is and always has been small, but even so, it was the site of my first successful piece of fanfiction. I'm only giving two reccs, because a lot of the fandom is chan, which does not appeal to me. My ultimate first fic choice, however, is
Distance Makes the Heart by
piscaria. This is Wonka/Charlie slash, where Charlie is well over the age of consent. The buildup is slow and desperately sweet, the prose is lovely, and I really can't recommend this story highly enough. ♥ I will warn that it is a sloooow work in progress, however, and Real Life (TM) hasn't allowed the author much time to work on it recently.
My ultimate first art choice is the beautiful work of
loony_lucifer. Take a look
here and
here and
here. (WARNING, however, if you look her up on DA--a lot of her work is chan, too.)
Day 13
In your own space, share a favorite piece of original canon (a TV episode, a song, a favourite interview, a book) and explain why you love it so much. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
My favorite G1 episode is "Traitor"--not only because it's focused on Mirage and Cliffjumper, but because it demonstrates that the Autobots are not always Pure and Virtuous. Sometimes they suspect each other of terrible things (apparently for no given reason), and sometimes they treat each other badly. Unfortunately, that idea was never carried forward into any other episode, but for G1, this episode almost counts as actual character development. ^^;
Day 14 -
In your own space, ask for help. Need a beta? Always wanted to learn how to make a vid? a fanmix? icons? Maybe you’d want to have someone cheering for you while you work on an upcoming big bang or fannish bingo?
Ummm. Err. What I probably really need is someone who can literally stand behind me and hit me with a stick whenever my attention starts to wander away from writing and toward the internet at large. However, Lady Oneiros does not live close enough to do this in RL, so we will have to rely on semi-frequent online bashings by the Motivation Stick. ow ow OW thank you ♥
This entry was originally posted at
http://lyricality.dreamwidth.org/53001.html. Please comment there using OpenID.